Monday, December 19, 2011

Change the World...

This blog is about how I would change the world for the better, and this will be a serious blog. If I had to change the world for the better I would give everyone free health care. If you’re sick and you want to be healthy, why in the world would you want to pay? What if you don’t have the money to spend on going to the doctors, or for the medicine that they receive, or if they don’t even have health insurance? Wouldn’t you feel guilty being part of the government by making people pay for health issues if they don’t have the money? What if they were to get sicker? What if they were to die? I’m almost positive this happens a lot and it’s pretty crappy that people have to deal with that, you might not think about the less fortunate a lot but, it’s good to think about them and put yourself in their shoes so you know that you could always have it worse. Another step I would take is to get all the bad drugs off of the street. I would also build factories so I can create jobs for the jobless people. I would also try to fix the economy as much as I could, I would cut government spending a numerous amount and I would like to keep business in our country and not foreign countries because that would bring more money in for us. I would tax the 1% just as much, if not more as the 99%. I would put speakers up everywhere in the world and whatever mood you’re in or whatever you’re doing at that moment; music for that event would play. I think this would be awesome and everyone would have a great laugh about it.

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