Monday, May 21, 2012



There are many people out there that influence you, whether it is on TV, music, magazines, movies, or anything else someone can reach out to you on. My favorite cultural icon would be Wiz Khalifa. The reasoning behind this is because he grew up in a not so good area, and his family wasn’t all that wealthy, but he made it out and made something of himself, now he is making millions of dollars. I like Wiz Khalifa because he knows where he could be and he doesn’t think he is better than anyone. Wiz Khalifa knows who his fans are, and what they are like, so he makes music to inspire them and he says this in many interviews that he does. Wiz Khalifa also holds concerts for people that don’t have the money to see him in regular concert, I think that is very unique and I have never heard of an artist doing that before. Wiz Khalifa isn’t all about himself. His family, friends, and fans play a huge part in his life. Wiz Khalifa truly is a great person, and this is why he is my favorite cultural icon.


I’ve been in English class for a countless number of years, and I’ve done a fair share of reading books in class, but my favorite book would have to be “Tuesdays With Morrie”. This would be my favorite book that I have read in English because I could relate to it. The reasoning behind me relating to this story is that my Uncle Tom was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also known as Lou Gherig’s Disease, the same thing Morrie was diagnosed with. This book touched me in a way, as if that my Uncle was right next to me reading it. This was my favorite book because it brought back so many memories of my Uncle Tom. Everything in the book that Morrie and his family went through, I went through almost the exact same encounters. I’m happy that Mrs. Schafer had us read this book because it truly was my favorite book that I have ever read.


Summer is soon approaching and I am sure everyone is excited. Because I sure am. This summer I will be doing a lot. This summer will mostly consist of hanging out with my friends and making some good memories. I will also be hitting the beach up a lot. I like going to the beach because its nice and relaxing, it’s a peaceful, fun place to be. I also like going there with Kyle because he likes to try to pick up women, and I like to watch him try. This summer I will also be going to Black Lake with my family. We split a cabin up there with my dads friend. I like to take the boat out and I also like to fish. Another thing I like doing there is wake boarding and water skiing. I’m not too good at either of them but I still have fun. I enjoy going to black lake with my family because it’s a great bonding experience and we all come together and have a lot of fun. While we are in Black Lake we will be going to Alexander Bay. Alexander Bay is where it gets poppin’. There are clubs, bars, restaurants and a whole strip of things to do. I can’t wait to go hangout with my family at Black Lake.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


My father is my hero. I say he is my hero because he has taught me everything that I know to this day. My father is my boy. He taught me how to crawl, walk, run, lift weights, and drive. I don’t know where I would be without him in my life. I often take him for granted though. I will stop pushing time with him away and I will start spending more time with him. He is the greatest guy I have ever met in my life, and I’m not saying this because he’s my dad but I’m saying this because it’s true. I love that man and I will never stop loving him. My mother is the best mother out. You all can say that about your mothers but my mom will always be there for me. Little or big, she will stop whatever she is doing just to help me and I appreciate her for that. My parents mean the world to me and I don’t know if they know that, and I just wanted to say thank you to them. I love you mom and dad!!!!!


This blog is a choice blog, and my writing in this blog will probably wander through various topics. Senior year is quickly coming to an end, some people are filled with joy, but for me I am filled with butterflies. This is my last year at Alden High School and its quite scary because I’ll be growing up and doing adult things and I will have to start making adult choices. Time flies, I remember when I was in the middle school…8th grade moving up day looking at the High School and saying “four more years and I’m out.” Boy did those four years fly by. If anyone that is an underclassman reading this, I want to say live it up, and don’t wish that these years would fly by because I know that I will miss high school and I’ve heard people say it all the time, I didn’t think I’d be one to miss it, but thinking back on the memories and the friends I’ve made here, I know that I will miss it. On the other hand, this past weekend was my birthday weekend and it has been my best birthday yet. I spent the very beginning of my birthday which was 12 am on Saturday the 28th with my best friends, Eric Roth and Joe Foss and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. During the day after I got some sleep, I celebrated my birthday with my brothers and my parents, I am starting to value time with my family as I get older because I’ve learned that anything can happen at any time in your life. That brings me to my next thought. Ive seen kids that are completely disrespectful to their parents and I just don’t get why… they brought you into this earth and have cared for you for so long, and you think it’s “cool” to treat them like crap…. Why?


I found this article to be very interesting. I agree with the fact that not going to college will be costing you a lot in your life such as job opportunities. I believe this because the economy is getting really bad and people are starting to get laid off and without a good education, you can barely get a job anymore. After high school I do plan on attending college. I will attend a two year school, then transfer over to Edinboro to get my Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. After I get my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice I would like to move down south to become a border patrol agent. Soon after becoming a border patrol agent I would like to move to a higher rank in the Criminal Justice Field such as a US Marshall. I would like to do this because this is what a lot of people in my family have done and I have a great understanding for the Criminal Justice Field. Remember, Go to college!!!!!


Now if you’re a big NBA basketball fan, you may find this blog interesting. Rajon Rondo, a star player for the Boston Celtics has been suspended for the #2 playoff game against the Atlanta Hawks. Rajon Rondo did not like a call the referee made and he let the ref know by bumping him with his chest. Now some people are saying that he tripped and accidently bumped into the ref, he may have tripped but he definitely could have easily stopped to not hit the ref. You can clearly see Rajon Rondo force his upper body at the ref. The NBA and all other sporting leagues clearly state that you cannot touch the referee. Rajon Rondo got a little worked up and let his emotions get the best of him by forcefully bumping into the referee. In my opinion Rajon Rondo should’ve gotten suspended. I believe this because these are professionals and if the league didn’t take such action kids that look up to him might think that it is okay for you or somebody else to go after a referee in any sport. Rajon Rondo was the best player on the team in game 1 of the NBA playoff series and they lost the game to the Atlanta Hawks. Having Rajon Rondo out will be a big challenge for The Boston Celtics, especially because Ray Allen is also out. This means the team will have to come together to make up for the loss. Paul Peirce will definitely have to have a stand out game while Ray Allen and Rajon Rondo are not there for the game. I picked this article because many people don’t agree with the ruling on Rajon Rondo being suspended and I wanted to give people a point of view from an athlete like myself. source :


In all honesty, I don’t think teachers should be evaluated by complete strangers. These teachers know how to teach, or else they wouldn’t be doing it… right? Some teachers may have a couple kids in there classes that are not learning at the rate of other kids, but they are still getting good marks and they are basing the teachers evaluations off the previous years they taught and how much better these students are doing. It somewhat seems as if these teachers have to make these kids better than the year before, but how do you do that if you have a less matured class. Or a teacher with more advanced kids going against a teacher with less advanced kids it just doesn’t make sense to me. This whole article barely made sense to me in a way and I’m sorry to say that because I have to write a blog on it. The kids in the class could be really smart, and they could have a really bad teacher but the teacher gets a really good evaluation because her kids know the material.


Earlier this school year, we were asked about our goals. I just read back to my group A blog and read up on a few of my goals that I had set for myself. I’ll start off by saying this year was the best year of school I could have asked for, I kind of want it to start over. One of my goals makes me kind of sad in a way. This goal was to win the State Championship in football. This did not happen and it makes me sick because I had no way to help my team late in the season, but I wouldn’t have traded this football season and the memories for anything. In my eyes, we won the State Championship and I am proud of all the boys on the team. I also had another goal, to make the best of my senior year and as you just read; I am doing just that. This is the best year of school I have had yet and I love it. I also wrote that I would like to help the school become a better environment. I have some days where I am making it a better environment but there are some days that I am not, and that I am adding to the craziness in Alden High School. Overall I am happy with my goals that I have accomplished this year.


You want to know how much television I watch? I spend a good amount of watching television throughout my day, but it depends what day it is. On weekdays I come home right after school and turn on the good old TV, I also spend a lot of time watching TV on weeknights. What else is there to do besides lay in bed trying to fall asleep because you have school early the next morning? When it comes to television shows, I am easily entertained. Therefore I watch a lot of TV shows such as; River Monsters, Man Vs. Wild, Pawn Stars, Auction Hunters, Portlandia, Sports Center, a lot of shows on MTV, I also like to spend a good part of my time watching sporting events, and watching a lot of shows on ESPN. In my house hold, we have a lot of TVs, I have one in my room, my little brother has two in his room, my parents have one in there room, my older brother has a TV in his room. We have a TV in my living room, kitchen, and in my basement. There are many positives and negatives when it comes to watching television in my eyes. If you are watching a reality TV show like Jersey Shore, I think you get stupider as you watch the series. If you are watching shows on ESPN, I’d like to say that it is a positive because you can learn about the game, learn stats, and also learn a great knowledge about sports in general. When it comes to TV everyone has their own favorite shows, and their own opinions on their thoughts about the positives and negatives but these are mine, if you don’t agree then so be it. Overall, I love television, watching TV is very relaxing.