Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weekend Wrapup, and No Snow?!

For a choice blog I will write about my weekend… My weekend, just like every other weekend was pretty nuts. I did a lot on this weekend. I hung out with Corey and Phil on Friday night; we had a typical night where we would go out for food come back to the house play some Xbox or PS3 and then we would leave and romp around town, or go to a different town and romp around, or hangout there. I wasn’t with my usual group this weekend because they all were out of town, due to family trips, or just getting away from family. This didn’t stop me from having a good time. This made me learn how much I missed hanging out with my old friends that I used to hang out with almost every day back in the day. Now I just need to split my time up between my friends because my two groups of friends don’t usually get along with each other, for unknown reasons. But this weekend should be good, because Christmas is coming up and we get a long break where I can spend time with my friends and family. I can’t wait for Christmas, but it makes me mad that there is no snow on the ground. It doesn’t even feel like it’s Christmas without snow, I can’t get used to it…. It’s kind of stupid that there is no snow yet. I get in a good mood when I see snow because; it just lightens everything up in my opinion. I also would like it to snow because I enjoy going snowboarding and snowmobiling. Wow I really wandered away from my topic for this choice blog, but the good thing is, that it’s a choice blog so I am able to write about anything I want to.

An Interview with the One and Only Amber Breyer

For this blog I was lucky enough to sit down with Amber Breyer and interview her on a variety of subjects. Amber is a senior at Alden Highs School. Amber enjoys playing the sport of volleyball, she enjoys playing this sport because it’s a game that all of her family has played in the previous years. She also says she likes volleyball because you don’t have to run. She says she likes that you don’t have to run, and you can just dive for the ball. After high school Amber would like to study English Education at Niagara University. When asked about her favorite food, Amber answered “chicken wing dip” with a slight smirk on her face. Amber went on to say this is her favorite food and she has been deprived of it 3 times from online publishing due to Emily Cole. Amber has two friends that she considers her best friends. Melissa Gostomski and Emma Kubik take that roll in her life. Amber says in her free time, when she has it because she’s in a number of clubs, she likes to watch Miami Ink. Amber’s favorite class is Online Publishing, I have no clue why, because our teacher is Mr. Currin, but whatever floats her boat I guess.. :P just kidding obviously. When I asked Amber if she could be any car in the world, Amber answered and said “A Honda Odyssey, because my mom has one and its awesome.” I enjoyed sitting down and learning more about one of my class mates. I would enjoy to write a blog like this again.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Back in Time...

In this blog I am going to write about going back in to time, and where I would go, and what I would do. Well I think living back during the Golden Age would be a fun time period to live in. If I lived back then I would save money and hide it so that when the great depression came I’d still have a lot of money when others didn’t. I would also be the smartest one there because I would already know what to do and where to live, work, look for things and all of that. I think it would be awesome because it’d be like having cheat codes because I lived through that already. I would also go to September 11th 2001 before the plane attacks and I would pull the fire alarm so that everyone would’ve been out of the building before the planes hit. I would also go back a few weeks from now so that I knew the winning lotto numbers that were going to be picked just so I can pick them and be a millionaire. Jeez if I could go back into time I’d be a successful man right now… I would also go back to my freshman year and pick my grades and work ethic up so my grades aren’t bad.

Change the World...

This blog is about how I would change the world for the better, and this will be a serious blog. If I had to change the world for the better I would give everyone free health care. If you’re sick and you want to be healthy, why in the world would you want to pay? What if you don’t have the money to spend on going to the doctors, or for the medicine that they receive, or if they don’t even have health insurance? Wouldn’t you feel guilty being part of the government by making people pay for health issues if they don’t have the money? What if they were to get sicker? What if they were to die? I’m almost positive this happens a lot and it’s pretty crappy that people have to deal with that, you might not think about the less fortunate a lot but, it’s good to think about them and put yourself in their shoes so you know that you could always have it worse. Another step I would take is to get all the bad drugs off of the street. I would also build factories so I can create jobs for the jobless people. I would also try to fix the economy as much as I could, I would cut government spending a numerous amount and I would like to keep business in our country and not foreign countries because that would bring more money in for us. I would tax the 1% just as much, if not more as the 99%. I would put speakers up everywhere in the world and whatever mood you’re in or whatever you’re doing at that moment; music for that event would play. I think this would be awesome and everyone would have a great laugh about it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Favorite Cars/Trucks

Now I will talk about my favorite kind of cars. There are many types of cars in this country that spike my intrest. The car I would love to have right now is a Subaru WRX-sti. These cars come in All Wheel Drive. If I got one I would have to pick a manual transmission. Manual Transmission is so much better because you can do more things with a manual transmission car, and they are more fun to drive. Another one of my dream cars would have to be Dodge SRT-10. These trucks are so sweet, I could go on and on about them. They come with a Dodge Viper engine. They are probably one of the fastest trucks. More trucks that are really fast are the Ford Nitemare, Ford Lightning, and the Chevrolet SS. I would also love to own a Dodge Cummins. If I got a Cummins, I’d lift it and put huge tires on it just because there made to look mean. I would put stacks on it and crank the fuel pump so I could blow coal all over people driving behind me. I would get a 24 valve and not a 12 valve because you can do more to a 24 valve. You can put a chip in the engine to tune it up to max performance or tune it to how ever you want. If I could have all of these cars/trucks, I’d be the happiest person in the world!

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In this choice blog I shall right about being Facebook famous. Yeah that’s right, I’m Facebook famous along with a lot of other fools straight from the book. I don’t know how I got famous but I just posted a picture of myself during a workout and I got a lot of friend requests, well the fact that my friend Bryan McManus was telling people to add me helped too. A lot of people have a problem or call it “gay” to be Facebook famous, but I think it’s funny, because you walk through public events and everyone knows you. It is also funny that you can post the most stupid status anyone has ever seen that does not make sense and you get over 100 plus likes on it. You can even post the ugliest picture of yourself and still get a numerous amount of likes on it. Another thing that is really funny is when people talk crap about you, or to you because you have a lot of Facebook friends, I think this is funny because it’s a freaking networking site; it’s not like its real life. I enjoy when I see haters hating on myself and my fellow “Facebook Famous” friends haha. Well right now I’m almost exceeding the friends limit on Facebook, which is 5,000 I do not know the exact count of the friends I have because it changes every day, but I’d say I have around 4,500 some friends. I don’t discriminate on Facebook, I’ll accept any gender, any color skin, any sexuality preference, it doesn’t matter the way you look, I just like being nice to people and I like to make people smile, so anyone can add me and I will treat them the way they should be treated… Just like any other person in this country.

The Week of ME!!!!

The typical weekday in the life of myself goes a little like this…. I wake up, well try to at least, it’s hard to wake up when you barely sleep at night. Now all of you may be wondering why I say I barely sleep at night, and wondering if I’m on drugs… The answer to that is NO. I hate sleeping, but I love sleeping in. I don’t like falling asleep at night because I feel like things are going on in this little world we live in and I don’t want to miss anything! Well when I wake up, I drag myself into the bathroom and do the three S’s which is showering, shaving and ya… once I get out of the shower I make myself a great breakfast… Sometimes if I’m not tired, but usually my mommas been making me breakfast. Well, then I eat, after I’m done eating I brush my teeth and I’m out of the door. I like to arrive at school fairly early, just in-case I forgot to do some homework. After school I usually work out at home, or at my buddy Nates. Every Monday is a “DO CRAZY” day, where me and Tyler Cole go do crazy, followed up by a trip to the mall and then going out to dinner. On Fridays I go home, and rest a bit, then figure out what I’m doing that night. When I figure it out, I get all spruced up and looking good and I’m out the door once again. I’m usually never home one the weekend because its time where I get to have free time. You can usually find me at Fosses house or where ever Nick Mohr and Tyler Cole are at. As you can tell from reading this article I never like being bored.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

3 Wishes....

Everyone would love to have their wishes granted but a lot of them aren’t. If I could make three wishes and have them come true, I would wish for meaningful, not wasteful things. I would wish for world peace. I would wish for world peace because a lot of my friends are in the Military and it sucks having to think about them all going overseas and not hearing from them for a long time, and not knowing what’s happening to them. Another wish of mine that I wish would come true is to have this football season start over again. I wish it would start over again so I could change a few things that I did. I wish that I wouldn’t of got hurt this football season because it was the worst feeling ever watching my team play in the far-west regionals and knowing I couldn’t do anything in my power to help them, if I could go back and be healthy I would’ve put my life on the line for that team, they are pretty much of my family and I love them. Another wish that I would love to come true is to find a cure for all life threatening diseases, especially Lou Gehrig's disease. I say especially Lou Gehrig's because my Uncle Tom has recently passed away from this disease. It’s a horrible disease and it kills you slowly, because your mind is all there, but your muscles are slowly shutting down. And if I had another wish, I would wish for everyone in the world to be happy, especially my family, I would love to see my family extremely happy because they mean the world to me.

Music Genres!

For this blog I am going to have to write about my favorite music genre. I can’t just pick one music genre to be my favorite because I have two favorites, and they are two very different genres. My two favorite genres are Rap and Country. These are my favorite genres because rap gets me pumped up, and country gets me calmed down. Rap is some great music because most of the artists came from tough lives and now they’re making it big. I like listening to rap all the time because it puts me in a good mood and just makes me want to dance 24/7 and just puts me in a great mood because it’s so upbeat and gets me going!!!! Rap is great for all occasions, like driving, getting ready for sporting events, while you’re running or working out, or while sitting in Online Publishing taught by Mr. Currin. Some of my all-time favorite rappers are Lil Wayne, Lil Boosie, Based God, Meek Mill, Wiz Khalifa, Mac Miller, Eminem, Tupac, Notorious B.I.G, Dre, 50 Cent, Sam Adams, Chris Webby and Lil Chuckie. Country is another genre that I enjoy listening to. I enjoy listening to country because it is real relaxing and puts me in a calming mood. I like to listen to country after I get done doing an intense activity so it can calm me down. Although it is one of my favorite genres I sometimes get sick of it because it is kind of slow and depressing. Well it seems like I’m writing my whole life story in this class with all these blogs but whatever, see you soon!


Oh gee wilikers, for this blog I am going to have to pick three of my all-time favorite movies. This blog might be a little too easy but too hard at the same time because I love movies. Wow this is harder than I thought because I am just staring at my screen trying to think of which movies would be my top three all-time favorites. For my three all-time favorites I would have to go with 1. The Hangover, 2. The Hangover Part II, and 3. Step Brothers. The Hangover would have to be the funniest movie I have ever watched. I could not stop laughing when I was in the theater. I went into the movie overweight, and came out with a ripped set of abs from laughing so hard. Not to mention, I wouldn’t mind a trip like that when I am older…. Who knows, it could be fun. Now, for The Hangover Part II this again was a funny movie, but it wasn’t as good as the first one, hence why it isn’t number one! Still this movie was great, and had me laughing non-stop. I think the whole theater was laughing hysterically. And my third favorite movie of all time is Step Brothers. Step Brothers is a great comedy. This was an awesome movie and it was everything it was made out to be.

My Favorite Boook bro.

Now I know it sounds cliché to say you don’t like to read books, but I do not like to read books. The only time you’ll find me reading a book and enjoying a book is when I picked the book out. The genres of books I like are sports, mysteries, and historical fiction books. But when asked what my favorite book, I had to think for a while. While in English class last year with my favorite teacher Mr. Currin, we read Fahrenheit 451 which was an awesome book, and would have to be on my top 10 favorite books, but it still didn’t get me like “The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game” did. This book was awesome. I think I liked this book so much because it was a football book and it was very inspirational. The book is about a young high school student who is not all that intelligent. He has had a troubled life and his mom wasn’t there for most of it. A nice rich family takes Big Mike in as the family calls him although they do not know that he doesn’t like being called that. The “new” family tries to get him into the high school that they work at but his grades weren’t good enough, so the family fights for Michael to get accepted and soon he gets into the school. Big Mike starts playing football for the school which his “new dad” coaches at. Big Mike Oher had a rough life and he still is fighting threw all the troubles he went through. He had a successful High School career and soon got drafted to the University of Mississippi to play for the Rebels. He did so well in College he went on to play in the NFL and is currently playing for the Baltimore Ravens. This is truly an inspirational book and if you want to be touched deep down inside your heart, I advise you to read it.