Thursday, October 13, 2011

Paws Up For Jamey

Recently, a young Buffalo boy recently committed suicide because he was bullied. Bullying in general is a stupid thing to do, but when you take it to the next level and bully someone so bad that they end their life, you should not even be considered a person. Bullying to that extent is not ethical. These “tough guys” that picked on Jamey should be punished with first degree murder. They told him that the world would be a better place without him, and they also said he should’ve never been born. This suicide sparked such a tragedy that Celebrity Singer Lady GaGa started Tweeting about his death on her Twitter. Lady GaGa is known for her anti-bullying ways, and her backbone for gay rights. Lady GaGa even had a tribute concert in memory of Jamey. Jamey was going to school being bashed by almost every one he walked by in the halls, that’s just terrible. Another sad thing about this incident is that the teachers didn’t do anything about Jamey being bullied, I’m sure they knew what was going on, but they never tried to put an end to it which is just terrible. Bullying in general is just one of the lowest things you can do. Not saying that I never “bullied” someone because I’ve said a few hurtful things to some people in my life that I shouldn’t have said because words do hurt people, words may even drive them into committing suicide unfortunately, I think everyone should read up on this bullying case, and try to end bullying, or try to make an impact. This is a sad subject to see a 14 year old, who hasn’t even lived half of his life up, took his life because of people in his school bashing on him, and going on facebook to talk crap to him, he couldn’t get away from it and unfortunately he took his life. Because of this tragedy the N0H8 Campaign was started, as well as the Paws up For Jamey.

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