Thursday, November 10, 2011

Holliday Traditions...

My family has many many traditions that we celebrate when it comes to the holiday season. In this blog I am going to write about our Thanksgiving Traditions and our Christmas Traditions. On Thanksgiving my family goes to my Grandparents house and we all watch football and share some laughs and eat some snacks. When dinner is ready, we all go in the dining room and eat at the big dining room table. At my grandmothers its tradition that she makes her turkey, broccoli rice and cheese casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and corn. Every Thanksgiving my grandma makes sure she buys 4 buttered lambs and makes sure she has a lot of dinner rolls because that’s my favorite part of the meal. After dinner, we all go back into the living-room and watch some more football.
a Traditions that my family has for Christmas is that a few days before Christmas, we go to my dad’s side of the family and spend “Christmas” with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. My aunt Debbie makes these sweet cinnamon rolls that are sooo delicious I just ask for a few plates of those for Christmas. They are defiantly a favorite on that side of the family. Another tradition that we have is that my parents always buy me and my brothers’ new pajamas and we open them up the night before Christmas. We’ve been opening pajamas before Christmas for as far as I can remember. On Christmas morning we open up our presents and go to my grandmothers. A typical Christmas at my grandmothers is hectic because so many people are there. Just like we do on Thanksgiving, football is always on. Later in the night, you will find my grandpa watching “A Christmas Story.” I’m sure I missed a few traditions, but that’s all I can think of for now.

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